All-access / all-weekend guest pass is $30 (click the button above); guest pass covers race days and pre-race test & inspection day. Guest passes provide full paddock access but DO NOT have hot-pit access. Guests are not allowed to touch a race car—anyone wrenching, fueling, etc. needs to register on a team as a crew member.
All rookies must watch the Virtual Rookie Meeting.
Thursday, 5 Sept 2024
4pm: Test day and Lemons gate band registration open (NOTE THIS IS NOT GATE OPEN TIME. REGISTRATION ONLY)
7pm: Gate opens for paddock parking (if you are arriving earlier for test day registration, that's fine, but your toy haulers, RV fleet, and MRAPs will still have to wait in staging lot outside until gate open)
7pm: Test day registration close
10pm: Lemons Gate registration close (no armband, no entry)
Friday, 6 Sept 2024
7am: Lemons Gate registration opens
7am-11am: Test day registration hours at front gate
TBA: Optional Friday Test Day hosted by Road America. Sign up before 9/2 for advance pricing. Click here for more info and to register.
11-4pm (appx): Tech at the track. Tech Times are assigned here.
11-4pm (appx): Gear Tech at the track
5pm-9pm: Downtown Elkhart Lake racecar parade, BS judging, and block party.
Participants: Check your email for parade instructions.
Everyone else: Head to Siebkens in Elkhart Lake from 5-9pm for the party--the public is welcome!
9:30pm: Gate registration close (no armband, no entry)
Saturday, 7 Sept 2024
7am: Gate registration open
9am: Mandatory drivers meeting
9:30am: Grid time--show up soon!
10am-5pm: Race session I
7pm: Gate registration closes (no armband, no entry)
Sunday, 8 Sept 2024
7am: Gate registration open
9am-4pm: Race session II
4:30pm: Awards ceremony
6pm: Teams move to lake for pike-noodling runoffs
•Parking is first-come first-served unless reserved parking is specifically mentioned by Lemons or offered by the track.
•Every team entry (ie, one racecar) gets 20x40' in the main paddock. Anything that doesn't fit in that box must be moved to guest/overflow parking (shown on the paddock map).
•Race control is off-limits to participants and guests.
•All participants must be pre-registered.
•Check the Paddock Map to see where stuff's located.
•Check the Event Schedule to know when stuff happens.
•GO TO DRIVER-GEAR TECH (near HQ or Tech) ANYTIME during Tech hours. (PUT ON AND WEAR your full safety gear, including the head/neck restraint--don't make us dig through some sweaty-ass gear bag)
•GO TO DRIVERS-LICENSE CHECK (at HQ) ANYTIME during Tech hours. Show your valid, current, unrestricted street license to receive the required Lemons Driver wristband. (Legit hard cards only--insurance requires us not to accept photos or copies.)
•GO TO CAR TECH AT YOUR ASSIGNED TECH TIME. Bring your car and COMPLETED tech sheet; assigned Tech times are linked from the Event Schedule one week before the event.
•Fueling only in hot pits (or track's permanent pumps where provided).
•No fueling in paddock during the race.
•Everyone in fueling area must be in full safety gear.
•Registered drivers & crew only in fueling area--no guests.
•No staging: Bring your supplies, fuel up, then take everything away again.
•No assigned or saved hot-pit spots.
•Don't park support vehicles near the fuel area.
•Kill switch off; no one in car; drip pan; dedicated extinguisher person are all mandatory while fueling.
•Only fueling, driver change, windshield cleaning, and cool-suit ice changes allowed in the hot pit. For everything else (tire pressure, fluid checks, engine swaps) go to the paddock.
•If using track pumps, no one can be in the car and kill switch must be off.
•If using track pumps, full gear recommended but not required.
•Using the track pumps means using the track pumps--your own fuel or jugs aren't allowed there.
PADDOCK SPACE IS LIMITED: Every team entry (ie, one racecar) gets 20x40' in the main paddock. Anything that doesn't fit in that box must be moved to guest/overflow parking (shown on the paddock map)
OVERNIGHT CAMPING: One camping fee (paid in the team's online reg) covers overnight dry camping for all team members. Guest pass camping is allowed in the overflow/guest parking area shown on the paddock map
ELECTRICAL HOOKUPS: Power hookups in the paddock are first come, first served
GARAGES: Reservations handled by track. Visit track website for reservation/contact links
FUEL SOLD ON-SITE: Yes. 91, 98, and 110 available.
GRILLS/FIRES: Consult track website for specific rules
SOUND LIMIT: Strictly enforced by track at 103db
PADDOCK VEHICLES: Whether motorized or not, only vehicles with seats may be used in the paddock. All non-street-legal paddock vehicles must obtain a Road America Paddock Vehicle Pass in person at the Road America Admin Office (open 8am-5pm Friday and 8am-noon Saturday).
GOLF CART RENTALS: Reservations handled by track. Visit track website for reservation/contact links
QUIET HOURS: Race engines may not be run without Road America permission between the hours of 6pm and 8am.